Register a new pet with us.

Register your pets online and your details will already be in our system when you visit our clinic. Please note that this form is not booking an appointment for your pet. 

Contact Details


Pet Details

(This could also be your pets Microchip number)
(Please type in what was on your last vaccination record - e.g. 15 June 2025 Protech C3 plus Bronchi-Shield III)
(if yes, please specify brand ...)

How did you find out about our clinic?

(If refered by a friend, please type their name and address so that we can thank them in the above field.)
Captcha image

This information will be sent to your veterinary clinic so they can update your pet’s file and they may also use it to remind you when vaccinations are due, confirm upcoming appointments, advise you about local health alerts and provide information that relates to your pet’s health or clinic promotional offers. A copy of this information will also be received by the website hosting company for data recovery purposes only, if required.

